TUFCHEM II SL Membrane is a chemically cured, elastomeric urethane asphalt membrane. It can be used as a stand alone lining to protect metal, concrete, and masonry substrates from chemical attack and physical abrasion within its limitations. TUFCHEM II SL Membrane can also be used as an underlying membrane in conjunction with chemical-resistant masonry or polymer concrete overlayments. TUFCHEM II SL Membrane is formulated to a self leveling flowable consistency to facilitate quick application on horizontal substrates with minimal trowelling and can be easily poured to the desired thickness in a single pass. TUFCHEM II SL Membrane is designed to be applied and spread with a notched squeegee and be smoothed over, achieving a finished thickness of nominal 60 – 125 mils, but can be applied in even greater thicknesses if desired. For complete installation instructions, consult Corrosion Engineering installation specifications CES-326 and CES-334.
TUFCHEM II SL Membrane provides a positive barrier to structures from corrosive chemicals, gases, and moisture. Depending on the environment, it may be used as a lining for concrete or steel tanks, sumps, or stacks, or as part of a lining system in combination with chemical-resistant brickwork, inorganic monolithic linings or polymer concretes for floors, wet scrubber ductwork, vessels and tanks, etc. It is not recommended where oils greases or organic solvents are present. Typical applications include both interior and exterior chemical containment linings, clarifiers, thickeners, and tank linings. For vertical surfaces or turn-ups, consider the use of regular TUFCHEM II Membrane (CE-196) which is formulated with a non sag consistency.